Thank your for your commitment & generosity
Over the years, our community at St. Mary of Grace Parish has:
- baptized the children of LGBT parents whose home parishes refused them baptism,
- married same-sex couples recognizing that their relationships are more than a blessing--they are sacrament--sign and symbol of God's grace and love in the world,
- provided financial assistance to congregations of various faith communities that have been the target of hate crimes,
- married opposite-sex couples who were looking of an inclusive community that would welcome their whole family regardless of denomination or sexual orientation,
- helped organize the first catholic Mass at the Philadelphia TransHealth Conference,
- talked to LGBT students and youth to let them know that it is possible to be faithful Catholic Christian and LGBT,
- offered anointing of the sick to those who found it difficult to approach more conservative clergy,
- hosted tables at Outfest and Equality Forum,
- welcomed families from different Christian denominations so all could receive communion together during Sunday Mass,
- provided a supportive community where LGBT parents or those with LGBT family members can raise their children to grow in the Catholic faith.